Hearing aids are incredible devices that can give people with hearing loss the ability to confidently navigate the world around them and stay connected to the things they love.
Additionally, modern hearing aids come with a range of controls and programs that may be confusing or overwhelming for new users. Let’s look at a few of the basic control options as well as more advanced programs to help you get the most out of your hearing aids.
Commonly Found Hearing Aid Controls
While different hearing aid manufacturers may have slightly different layouts for their controls, common ones that can be found on all devices include On/Off, Volume, and Programs.
While these are all quite self-explanatory, knowing where to find and activate these buttons is important to maximizing your battery life and being able to hear your best in different environments.
Before leaving with your first pair of hearing aids, make sure to talk with your audiologist about how to enable these features and any special programs you have on your device.
Hearing Aid Programs for Different Environments
When it comes to deciding what programs work best for you, it’s important to think about what activities are important in your life and what you most want to get from your device. To that end, it might be helpful to know that research on other hearing aid users shows that specialized programs help increase overall user satisfaction and specifically increase satisfaction when it comes to socializing in larger groups.
Certain programs that you may find beneficial include:
- Directional programs that let you focus your hearing aids on sound coming from a particular direction (usually right in front of you.) This is helpful when you’re having a conversation in a nosier environment, such as brunch with a friend at The Daily Dish.
- Music programs let you enjoy the complexity of songs. Because hearing aids are programmed to help you better understand speech, music can sound less dynamic. Using specific music programs allows you to tune into various melodies when listening at home or attending a live event.
- Driving programs minimize the background noise that comes with driving a car. This can help you to hear sounds like sirens or honking horns that could impact your safety and the safety of others.
For information on hearing aid controls and specific programs that might work best for you, call the experts at Hearing Center Silver Spring today and schedule an appointment.